
Monday, 22 February 2010

Monday blues

When the week begins with a messy house, rubbish weather, and news I should care about but don't (Gordon Brown reportedly has a bad temper shocker), it's time to get online and look at things I don't really need.

In another life I was an online shopping editor and I still enjoy finding the best the net has to offer. When the skies are grey, I head to great site Rockett St George. It's not pretty to look at but it sells some lovely things.

Then I swoon over Princess Pashley bikes which look lovely in blue.

A quick click session at Office Shoes to look at all the impractical shoes that I know longer wear.

And then it's off to John Lewis in search of a toaster. Can somebody tell me why it costs £175 for a machine that browns bread? The world has gone mad.

The start of the week does have one plus point, however bad your Monday is, there's always a reason to be Gleeful.


  1. £175? Seriously? Oh boy, i feel very out of touch all of a sudden. i thin our was €20 from the supermarket.

  2. Hi there and thanks for the follow! Your gay dalahäst brightened my day. :)
